Job vacancies

Job vacancies

Our organization is always committed to the search for highly motivated people who share the basic principles of the association, its mission and operating method, eager to embark on a path of personal growth and sharing with those who live in situations of poverty and difficulty extreme.

Our interventions take place in emergency and development contexts and a good ability to read the situation and the social and territorial context in which we operate is essential.

Working with us means representing the organization at 360 ° both in the workplace with local authorities and partners, the government, donors and all the actors involved, and with the local population. Mutual knowledge is essential before starting a working relationship. There are many organizations operating in the social sector and in Africa. Each of them has its own "mission" and its own operational peculiarities that characterize and distinguish it. It is important to know the organization well and to share its aims and "style of presence". In the meantime, to get a first information about the "mission" you can go to the page of our dedicated site.

We are currently looking for different professionals for the various activities in Uganda.

Check out the open positions below:

Support our activity in Italy and Uganda