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Uganda is a land-free country, located at the level of the Equator between the Rift Valleys of East and Central Africa. After years of political instability, in 1986 the elected government of Yoweri Museveni came to power: from that moment on, for Uganda began a development. However, the country is still characterized by extreme poverty, an economy that is largely based on agriculture, a resource distribution that sees more than half of people without safe water resources. There are still a number of goals to be achieved, especially as regards health and essential services.

According to the recent UNDP report, Uganda has one of the world's lowest-ranked Human Development Indexes. This is confirmed by the fact that the country is ranked 146th, in a ranking that includes 174 different nations. Although it is undisputed that there are considerable differences between the individual regions, the national average is 0.404, with a minimum of 0.180 and a maximum of 0.627.

Uganda is among the African countries where development progresses more rapidly. Nonetheless, this statement can not be applied equally to the entire nation: large areas of the North maintain their low level of development and are devastated by internal conflicts. Over 1 million people had to leave their home after the war between the LRA rebels and the government along the Sudan border, which has been continuing for 18 years. More than 20,000 children have been kidnapped and raped by rebels, who have been sex slaves or soldiers. In the eastern part, at the same time, the internal conflicts between the Karimojong tribes have reduced the Karamoja region to one of the poorest areas of the planet, due to the difficult weather conditions. To highlight the progress made in Uganda with regard to the fight against AIDS, although the positive outcomes mainly concern southern urban areas and the considerable number of orphans due to AIDS still represent a major challenge for the whole country. Uganda remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with a per capita income of $ 250. Life expectancy at birth is 43 years and infant mortality is 10.1%. There is a doctor every 22,291 people and a hospital bed every 689 people.

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