Wash In School

Creating a child-friendly hygienic and sanitary environment in Karamoja

Wash In School
Project financed by: KOICA (Korean cooperation)

In collaboration with: UNICEF

Programm Duration: 2019-2022

The districts of Napak and Moroto are part of the Karamoja region. Within the Moroto district there are 38 schools (33 primary and 5 secondary) while in Napak there are 37 schools (35 primary and 2 secondary). Right here the Ministry of Education and Sports in 2016 indicated that the situation from the hygienic-sanitary point of view is inadequate: for example 15% of the water structures are not functioning and national standards recommend that there is one latrine every 40 students, but in the report of the Ministry of water it is described that in Karamoja the ratio is 71 children for each latrine. Not to mention hygiene during the menstrual cycle, another fundamental aspect that affects the presence of girls in school. The "Wash in School" project funded by UNICEF in partnership with KOICA (Korean cooperation) fits into this context.

To respond to the problems described, Africa Mission-C & D supports 11,200 children to guarantee them access to safe water sources thanks to the rehabilitation of wells and the repair of rainwater collection systems. Furthermore, the improvement of hygiene and health conditions will be achieved thanks to training and awareness raising activities. The level of awareness will be increased and students will be encouraged to be carriers of change, sharing the knowledge acquired in their villages.

The main topics addressed are: hand washing, correct use of latrines, management of the menstrual cycle, management of drinking water. Since November, a similar project has been launched which also involves the districts of Kabong, Kotido and Karenga always financed by UNICEF.

General objectives:
increase knowledge and ability to manage WASH services (of students in the management of WASH services) in promoting (promoting) "good practices" on hygiene and health in target schools; strengthen and improve access to hygiene and health tools, strengthen the associations of pump mechanics and the delivery of structures for the collection of water and latrines

Specific objectives:
improve the knowledge and skills of all school stakeholders; organize training for pump mechanics; repair rainwater collection systems and rehabilitation of wells within schools; promotion of international school days and awareness raising activities through local radio stations
- Organize meetings with local authorities for the presentation of the "WASH in schools" program
- Organize training for school clubs on the topics of WASH and Hygiene and Management of the menstrual period
- Promote WASH days in each school
- Exchange visits between different schools to share their experiences
- Support the districts in the celebrations of the international days
- Organize radio talk shows with students and all school members and produce awareness messages
- Organize 2 annual meetings with all the actors present in the school
- Organize assessed and sharing quarterly meetings with local authorities
- Organize training for the main bodies of schools on hygiene during the menstrual period, gender equality, facility maintenance and other aspects of WASH
- Organize training for water management committees
- Formation of 5 committees for the management of the Water Supply System
- Organize meetings with students in neighboring communities
- Visits to neighboring communities by school students
- Realization of projects on WASH by students in the neighboring communities
- Conduct awareness activities in communities
- Analyze all water sources in schools
- Organize ceremonies of handover to school committees
- Organize a liquid soap production program
- Rehabilitate and repair wells and rainwater collection systems
- Organize training for associations of pump mechanics

After the expiry of this project in 2020, another identical project took over, always in KOICA partner, which will also involve the districts of Kabong, Kotido and Karenga. This means that the numbers of beneficiaries has increased significantly, from 11,200 to around 25,000, in 23 primary and 2 secondary schools in Karenga, Kabong and Kotido, in addition to the other schools already involved.

You can read the Summary Sheet of the project in 2021 by clicking here

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