Sustainable maintenance for nucleuses family rural vulnerabilities in the districts of Moroto, Napak, Amudat and Nakapiripirit

Sustainable maintenance for nucleuses family rural vulnerabilities in the districts of Moroto, Napak, Amudat and Nakapiripirit

Project N. 037/P

Location: Uganda, Karamoja region, Amudat and Nakapiripirit districts

In partnership with DCA – Danish Church Aid (leading), DRI e ULA (local NGOs).

Duration: January 1st – December 15th, 2015

General objective: Make the poor local communities of Karamoja able to claim their right to access to adequate forms of sustainment through APFS/JFFLS and CMDRR approaches (Agro-pastoral Field School, Junior Farmer Field School and Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction) and identify the reasons of their poverty.

Specific objectives:

1. Duty bearers active (authorities of local government) in the identification of the structural, political and economical problems which are preventing an adequate food safety being reached in the area of intervention.

2. beneficiaries adequately informed and organized, able to demand their rights to district authorities, and supported by them in finding an adequate level of food safety. 

3. Beneficiaries supported in the use of available resources in the territory in an efficient and successful way securing sustainable livelihoods.

Activities description

1. train local government on Human Rights, National Food Security Policies and environmental Protection.

2. Include communitarian plans in district and sub county plans.

3. Create and train 35 APFS and 15 JFFLS on Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA), environmental protection, entrepreneurial capacities development, FaaB (gender), creation of vegetable gardens and small water infrastructures.

4. Organize trainings on earth management.

5. Create school webs and train them on joint marketing.

6. Organize field days and awards.


Achieved results year 2015

7 workshops on environmental protection implemented: thanks to the organization of 13 meetings local authorities have been activated in community awareness raising on the danger of burning charcoal; seized and held 100 sacks of industrial charcoal;

4 awareness meetings on environmental protection implemented in collaboration with Karinga Cereal Bank: project for the plantation of 200 trees implemented;

Good practices on environmental protection, conservation and forestation have been acquired; workshops on human rights, decentralization and nutrition have been implemented: ability to recognize abuse and violence  acquired; balanced diet acquired; 10 meetings for the inclusion of CAPS in district development plans conducted.

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