Regional program of support for the coordination and the technical support to the management of the risk of drought in the horn of Africa.

Regional program of support for the coordination and the technical support to the management of the risk of drought in the horn of Africa.
Project N 038/P

Location: Karamoja region

Duration: January 1st 2012 – April 15th  2012

In partnership with: district, county and parish water offices

General objectives

Improve children and adults' health level, through a better knowledge of existing water sources

Specific objectives

• Increase district capacity in existing boreholes detection.

• Collect information on the exact location and conditions of existing manual pumps.



• Training for District Water Offices staff. 

• Survey of all existing boreholes collecting datas on their location and condition.

• Transmission of data to Nairobi FAO office.

• Data verification.

• Data and GIS (System for managing and representation of geographical data) dissemination set up by FAO in a final workshop

Achieved results

• 10 participants to the training

• 1.687 boreholes detected, transmitted to FAO and verified;

• Data dissemination

Direct beneficiaries: 260 people. 

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