South Sudan water project

South Sudan water project
No. Project: 017 / P.

Location: Country: South Sudan; State: Western Equatoria; Diocese: Tombura-Yambio (13 parishes) and 643,000 inhabitants in 81,321 km2.

Duration: 2007-2010

Background: Sudan occupies an area of ​​25% of the United States, with a population of about 40 million. South Sudan is an autonomous region with Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi together, with a population of between 8 and 12 million, mainly concentrated in cities.

In January 2005, after 21 years of civil war, a Treaty of Peace (CPA) was signed between the Sudanese Government and the People's Liberation Movement (SPLA / M). In South Sudan, poverty is harsh and dehumanizing. Research conducted by international agencies working on the site indicates that:

• 80% of Southern Sudanese has moved at least once in the last 15 years;

• 92% of the population lives below the poverty line;

• Only one child over three goes to school;

• Literacy index is less than 15%;

• leprosy, blindness, polio and malaria are widespread diseases and one in every 10 children die before 5 years of age;

• Since 1983, over 18,000 women and children have been kidnapped and anti-personnel mines have killed 70,000 people;

• Between 1983 and 1999 in the South Sudan there were over 20,000 children soldiers.

In 2007, Bishop Joseph Gasi Abangte of the Diocese of Tambura-Yambio expressed an explicit request for a direct intervention program to increase the availability of drinking water through the drilling of new wells.

In 2008, the current bishop of the Diocese of Tambura-Yambio called for a direct intervention program to increase the availability of drinking water through the drilling of new drinking water wells.

Results 2010

• 15 drilled wells - wells producing wells have clean water and increased awareness of communicable diseases with unpolluted drinking water;

• 15 hydrogeological surveys conducted to identify sites for the drilling of new water wells;

• Complete and accessible drilling rig in Western Equatoria to reduce water related issues;

• formed a local staff team able to independently follow the various stages of drilling and installing the pumps.

Effects (long-term consequences on the recipient population):

Beneficiary communities now have a new (very unique) source of drinking water available. Beneficiaries will also be less affected by diseases related to unclean water use.

For the populations in general, the well meant not only clean water, but also the sign of an attention to which they were no longer used for over 20 years of war and abandonment and destruction, a sign of great hope.

Beneficiaries: 17,428 people

Year 2009


• Reinforced relations with the diocese of Tombura Yambio;

• Strengthening capacity and competence in the diocese of Tombura Yambio with the stable presence of Cooperation and Development;

• 35 drilled wells (of which 28 are productive) - wells producing wells have clean water and increased awareness of communicable diseases with unpolluted drinking water;

• 35 hydrogeological surveys conducted to identify sites for the drilling of new water wells;

• community committees and community awareness raising with the introduction of good practices;

• Complete and accessible drilling rig in Western Equatoria to reduce water related issues;

• formed a local staff team able to independently follow the various stages of drilling and installing the pumps.

Year 2008


• Preparation work for the implementation of a water program in the Western Equatoria;

• Purchase and dispatch of consumables;

• Delivery and setup in Uganda of the drilling tools donated by the Trevi Group of Cesena - 5 trucks, 1 drill and 2 compressors.

Year 2007


• Perforated 15 new wells in the region, 11 of which are productive (73% of production wells)

• Reactivate 6 wells that are no longer working

Beneficiaries: 31,000 people (estimated 1,500 people for 11 water points and 14,500 people for the 6 wells rehabilitated)

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