NUYOK: professional training course

NUYOK: professional training course
Project funded by: USAID (American cooperation)

In partnership with: CRS (Catholic Realif Services), Caritas Moroto, Caritas Kotido, Youth Build International, Boma project , Communication for Development Foundation Uganda (CDFU).

Programma duration: October 2017- July 2022

Uganda in recent years has made great strides in eliminating extreme poverty, reducing hunger and empowering women - thanks in part to rapid economic growth. In the Karamoja sub-region, however, food insecurity and malnutrition remain a persistent threat to development.
In this context, Nuyok has different objectives and areas in which it proposes to work: governance and gender equity (Foundational Purpose); ability of the community to manage shocks and stress (Scope 1); traditional and diversified everyday life opportunities (Scope 2); nutrition and health (including water improvement and hygiene (WASH) of pregnant and lactating women (PLW), adolescents and children under two years of age (CU2) (Purpose 3)

The area of intervention of AMCS concerns the achievement of two of the four objectives constituting the entire project: points 2 and 3
Here we will talk about purpose 2:

Improvement of the livelihoods of the most vulnerable families in the areas of intervention.
Within this objective, in particular the intervention of AMCS focuses on increasing the entrepreneurial and marketing skills of women and young people.

The intervention consists in improving the livelihoods of the most vulnerable families in the areas identified. In particular, the intervention of AMCD focuses on increasing the entrepreneurial and marketing skills of women and young people by carrying out professional courses to 200 beneficiaries in 3 districts of the region.

 Alongside the teaching of technical skills, the development of personal skills, training in personal hygiene and management of internal conflicts is taken care of. The first work kits were distributed to allow trained students to undertake the activities learned on their own and the consequent follow-up action started, aimed at supporting and monitoring the activities carried out by the beneficiaries.

General objective:

Improvement of the livelihoods of the most vulnerable families in the 524 villages selected for intervention through the development of entrepreneurial and marketing skills of women and young people.

Specific objectives:

- Identification of the thematic areas and their commercial situation through an evaluation and mapping of the market.
- Development and revision of teaching programs for six-month professionalization courses in areas of interest.
- 200 young people aged between 15 and 30 trained in different areas of expertise.
- Development of personal skills and an entrepreneurial base aimed at running a business of one's own.
- 200 young people entered the local market through the formation of new small businesses or collaboration with existing businesses.
- Teacher training.

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