Alito Training Centre

Nurturing youth: education, skills and employment in agricultural and livestock sectors.

Alito Training Centre
Project co-financed byComune di Bolzano, Ipsia Trentino

In partnership with: Diocese of Lira, AVSI, NARO (National Agricultaral Research Organisation)

Duration: 2016-2026

The Training Center is located in Alito (Kole district, Lango sub-region, Uganda). 
The center is a former leprosarium which to the wishes of the diocese of Lira, has been transformed in a school. The infrastructure has been renovated and equipped to host Agribusiness training for the unemployed youth or who have dropped out of school. 
In addition to the agribusiness school we have the farm, which aims to offer practical support to the school's activity: by cultivating hundreds of hectares of land, carrying out activities complementary to cultivation (conservation, marketing and experimentation with new techniques and new products) and animal husbandry. The structure has now consolidated over the years and has become a real point of reference in the area.
From the 18th March 2020, the activities in the school, like all educational facilities in the country, has been suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions. Only from October 2021 we are allowed to reopen the school, being a post secondary school and we are trying to restart all the courses to be 100% operational again. 

General Objective: 
To contribute to the elimination of poverty, hunger and unemployment of young Ugandan farmers, through agribusiness training in Alito, Kole District, Lango sub-region.

Specific Objective: 
To improve the livelihood opportunities of young farmers through the development of skills aimed at increasing job opportunities because of the agribusiness skills acquired. 

The training center hosts various training in agriculture and animal husbandry. It is a structure and land where projects financed and in collaboration with various NGOs, organizations and associations are carried out.
Listed below are the projects in progress and those completed over the years. 

You can read the Summary Sheet of the project in 2021 by clicking here

Current projects

SAY project, funded by AVSI. 
The project entails advanced training (second level vocational training courses) in horticulture, animal traction, poultry production and management, village veterinary operators and tractor management operators. The courses run over a period of 4 months and will involve 116 girls and boys starting from October 2021.

Alito 2.0 project, funded by Bando Coopen (Fondazione Cariplo – Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo in collaborazione con Cariplo Factory, Tiresia, Politecnico di Milano, Jengalab). 
The project aims to promote sustainable agriculture through the use of new technologies that allow better management of resources, greater productivity and enhancement of the agribusiness chain, from sowing to sale.
The project want to introduce the use of new skills in agriculture: usage of simple but effective technologies, improving the conservation techniques thanks to advanced storage processes and the possibility of using refrigerated cells for conservation, thus increasing the opportunities for sales on markets, not only locally, but also nationally and internationally. The project started in October, will involve 300 youth and women and will have a total duration of 9 months

Completed projects: 

LEAD project, funded by VSO (2017-2019) 
This project included the training in agribusiness for about 330 young people between 16 and 25 years from the Lira area, in Northern Region in Uganda; it ended in 2019. The project was funded for 70% by the British organization VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) and 30% from AMCD and other donors from the Diocese of Lira.
It was a pilot project that saw the redevelopment of the site of the former leper hospital in Alito to allocate the structure to the training of youth in order to increase their skills and abilities in agribusiness activities relevant to the market. The project targeted young farmers, who were unemployed or who have dropped out of school early. In this years, we have also consolidate the "outreach program": groups dealing with the dissemination of knowledge and good practices on horticulture, breeding of goats, pigs, rabbits and bees, reaching hundreds of farmers outside the school. Indeed, among the students who have completed the course, 32 of the most deserving have become "lead farmers" that means that now they are facilitators and are teaching farming techniques in their villages. Each lead farmer follows a group of 25 people.

EGO project - enhancing green opportunities, funded by European Union in partnership with AVSI (1st July 2019 – 31st December 2020)
The collaborators of AMCD, as part of EGO project, held six months of on-site training on innovative agribusiness techniques in the sub-counties of Aromo and Ogur (Lira district). After the training youth have been supported with different activities to enter the local agribusiness market with specific collaboration between AMCD, beneficiaries, AVSI and other local entities.

Project funded by AICS (14th September – 14th December 2019)
Alito Training center hosted 81 students from Adjumani District for the training in agro business for 3 months. The youth have been selected through the project "Multi-sectoral support to South Sudanese displaced persons and refugees in the Adjumani district" that AMCD was implementing. 
The greatness of this activity has been to combine two different projects and to enhance both. 

Our three year program has been completed. The project will go on and on, meanwhile we will show you the results achieved in this three-year cycle.

You can read the main results in the 2019 annual report by clicking here

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