Drops of Life

Drops of Life
Project financed by: Africa Mssion-Cooperation and development

In collaboration with: Interuniversity Research Center for Development - ECOS Research Unit

Program duration: 2018-2020

The north western and north eastern part of Uganda is climatically characterized by long periods of drought, with the consequent difficult finding of water resources for the cultivation of the fields, breeding, the consumption of drinking water.
Better access to water can guarantee widespread benefits, both for the improvement of
sanitation, which for health and nutrition.
As part of this project, first of all, the intervention area was identified, identified with the Karamoja region, the area with the highest level of poverty in the whole of Uganda. In particular, in the districts of Kotido and Kitgum, the areas where the need to intervene at various levels was most pressing.

General objective:
Increased availability of drinking water, improved sanitation conditions

Specific Objectives:
-    provide good quality drinking water, organize a rainwater collection system,
-    determine good personal hygiene practices, provide latrines for the correct
-    waste disposal and water for irrigation.

This path must be accompanied by the collaboration and training of the communities involved so that the project can continue even after the end of international aid, thanks to a development perspective based on local resources, shared by the community and oriented towards the long term.

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