COVID-19 emergency in Uganda

COVID-19 emergency in Uganda

Project financed by: Africa Mission- Cooperation and development

In collaboration with: District of Moroto and Napak, Ugandan government

Program duration: ongoing

By now the whole world is involved in the coronavirus pandemic. In many areas of the Earth there is an emergency. In Europe and the United States of America, we hear thousands of infected and dead every day. For now, African countries are able to contain this danger and do not reach the figures of Western countries, but here too they are quite critical. For example, not being able to go out and do one's job means not to take home the minimum amount of money to eat. For the kids, not going to school is a huge damage: in Italy our kids do video lessons, they have a home with any kind of comfort and hot food; in Africa not going to school means not having an insured meal and a safe home. In fact, cases of violence are already on the increase. For this reason it is essential to apply preventive measures so as not to dare to make room for the virus and to get out of it as soon as possible.
In Uganda, preventive measures have started since March 2020 to prevent the spread of COVID 19. Although the cases are limited, the Ugandan government has imposed a series of restrictions and encouraged citizens to follow the good hygiene practices recommended by the World Organization of Health.

Africa Mission - Cooperation and development, even with the necessary needs, continues to provide above all support from its employees and from the local realities that have always been supported. The organization in particular is committed to promoting prevention practices for the spread of the Corona Virus.

At the moment, the expatriate staff, together with the local one, are making their contribution on three fronts at the Moroto headquarters: production of masks with washable and reusable fabric, production of liquid soap and guarantee of the well rehabilitation service in the districts of Napak and Moroto.
The latter activity was assigned by the Ugandan government and is of fundamental importance: the non-functioning of one well forced people to move and to benefit from another; therefore this would lead to the creation of numerous groupings around the source of water increases the possibility of contagion and spread of the virus

The beneficiaries of this activity are the employees of AMCD, the greeting centers which are supported by AMCD and the diocese of Moroto, the prison of Moroto, the local authorities of Moroto and through them the public.

Direct beneficiaries

-150 AMCD employees and collaborators
-420 prisoners and staff from the Moroto prison
-100 health personnel in health centers
-200 beneficiaries in the Napak district
-200 beneficiaries in the district of Nakapiripirit
-200 beneficiaries in the Moroto district

Indirect beneficiaries

The communities of the intervention and distribution districts.

General objective

contribute to the prevention of virus contagion through the use of masks and good sanitation practices.

Specific Objectives

1. Packaging and distribution of 1270 washable and reusable cloth masks.

2. Encourage and inform the population to use the mask correctly
3. Production and distribution of 200 liters of liquid soap
4. Rehabilitation boreholds
5. Sensitization of the population compared to crown virus infection


For the production of masks:

• Identification and realization of different prototypes
• Selection of the most adaptable and sustainable mask model with respect to the context and materials available.
• Finding the materials and tools needed for production
• Organization of work and division of tasks
• Series production of masks

For the production of liquid soap:

• Identification of recipes for the production of liquid soap
• Finding t of liquid soap

Rehabilitation boreholds

Identification of beneficiaries with the help of stakeholders and institutional partners

Distribution of the material produced

Expected results

• Distribution of all the material produced.
• Provide safe water in the villages of Napak and Moroto district and prevent people from gathering around the well.
• Greater awareness of the importance of proper use of these tools by the local population.

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