Emergency food in Karamoja

Emergency food in Karamoja
Year 2009

French Embassy Co-financed Financier

Local partners:
• Sisters of Mother Teresa of Moroto
• Moroto SSD
• Uganda Church

Total delay postponed 8 months to March / November 2009

Achieved results:
- identified 375 most vulnerable families in the Moroto District;
- Fried food (45 kg corn, 13 kg beans and 5 liters of oil) for eight months for the families identified;
- Made 24,900 kg of corn and 6,640 kg of 5 nutrition nutrient beans for malnourished children.

Beneficiaries (19,080 people - 3,000 families and 1,080 malnourished children)

Year 2003

Distributed over Kg 129,068 of foodstuffs and kinds of raw materials (flour, beans ...) sent from Italy and purchased locally to Karamoia populations affected by famine, in collaboration with the Diocese of Moroto.

Estimated Beneficiaries:
Over 12,900 people.

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