The Women's Genius

Travel to the discovery of the woman between Italy and Uganda

«…Thank to you, woman, for the very fact of being a woman! With the perception which is characteristic of your femininity you enrich the world's understanding and contribute to the full truth of human relationships.» - Pope John Paul II

On the occasion of the International Women's Day (March 8th ) Africa Mission – Cooperation and Development has organised an artistic exposition on the woman's empowerment theme. The event, held from March 4th to 22nd at Galleria Commerciale Borgo Faxhall, wanted to enhance the woman's figure and the important roles that she plays into society, celebrating her strength and importance.

It has claimed to be a "positive" event, therefore focused not much on the controversy against the privation and difficulty that women encounter during their life, but more on their value, on their capacity to react and  reinvent themselves, on the exaltation of their innate sensibility, persistence, dreams and aspirations.   

Hence the title "The genius of Women", frame of the appointment that summarises the challenges and potential of such a complex figure.

In order to do so we wanted to involve different realities of our territory, collaborating in the first place with the social promotion association "La Fabbrica dei Grilli".

The exhibition  has been enriched by different moments of meeting.

March 4th: to inaugurate the event, the all-female gospel choir New Sister animated the testimony of the journalist Maria Vittoria Gazzola – friend of the movement and great traveler – and Prospero Cravedi's son, Gianni Cravedi, recently gone back to Karamoja to celebrate the new well in memory of his father.

March 18th: opening of the photographic exhibition "Prospero's well", exhibition within the exhibition to recall an old friend of the movement and to celebrate his artistic passion. Through his shoots it has been possible to relive his numerous trips to Uganda, knowing also Africa Mission interventions in Uganda, especially in the Water sector. The exhibition, in fact, wanted to mark the transition  between that March 8th dedicated to women and March 22nd, International Water Day.

March 22nd: conclusion of the exhibition.

The message contained in the initiative, as well as the choice to place it in a shopping centre, was to involve the totality of citizens in the Association's work, not only as humanitarian aid actor for the people of Central Africa, but as a respectful interlocutor with the native population. It is a way in which our reality that operates in the South of the world can tell itself, a way to show  how the culture of hospitality and help is a fundamental cornerstone in defining the Identity of Italian people. 

Support our activity in Italy and Uganda