Universal Civil Service: meeting in Piacenza!

Universal Civil Service: meeting in Piacenza!

If you are between 18 and 29 years old and you'd like to undertake a journey of human and professional growth, you can join to the civil service projects presented by Cooperation and Development together with Focsiv (Federation of Christian Organizations International Voluntary Service). You can choose whether to stay in Italy, for a formative experience of international solidarity, or to go to Uganda and to dedicate your commitment to the local population.

We are waiting for the release of the new call for 2018; in the meantime we are going to present you our projects! We are looking for 6 young people for Uganda, 3 to be integrated in the environmental sector and 3 in the socio-educational sector. We also look for 4 young people for our headquarters in Piacenza, 2 will be engaged in the training sector and 2 in the communication sector.

The project presented for the year 2018 in Italy is called "SfAma il mondo 4.0" and foresees the engagement of 4 volunteers in the "communication" and "educational" sectors. The project presented for Uganda "Caschi Bianchi: Humanitarian Interventions in Crisis Areas - Uganda 2018" will involve  6 volunteers at the Moroto headquarters, in Karamoja, for a year.

The service projects will be presented in the details on Tuesday 17th July 2018, at 5.30PM at the headquarters of Piacenza, in Via Martelli, 6. It will be an opportunity for all the young people interested in the proposal, to discover together with the volunteers and operators of the association, the projects that will be banned for Italy and Uganda and to discuss this opportunity for a human and professional growth. To participate, just confirm your presence by sending an email to betta.areauganda@coopsviluppo.org

For more info you can contact the office at 0523.499424.

Download the event poster!
Watch the video of our Civil Servants!